10 Herbs that can Improve your Health

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Most of us use herbs in our cooking because of the way it makes our food taste but really what we are doing is adding powerful natural medicine to our diets.  Another great advantage of using these natural treatments is that while adding flavor they do not add calories.  To avoid disease and to live a long and healthy life, add herbs to a sensible eating plan.  The following herbs are great to keep on hand and to add regularly to your recipes:

For heart health, Rosemary may help to prevent any damage to blood vessels.  It may also help with indigestion and memory function, reducing muscle and joint pain when applied topically.  When doing my herbal studies, I learned that smelling fresh cuttings of Rosemary would help the brain with retaining information while learning and then later with recall of that same information.  My daughter doing her matric at the time was always seen with a sprig of Rosemary at her desk while studying.  It is a very strongly flavored herb and pairs well with potatoes and meat.  Try a roasted chicken with lemon and rosemary, it is really tasty.

Parsley is high is antioxidants, vitamin A and C and the chemical apigenin.  This has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.  Parsley is good for heart health but reducing high blood pressure.  A great way of eating this herb is to have it as a chopped-up garnish, on top of roasted potatoes, soups and rice dishes to name just a few.

For tummy troubles Ginger should be your go to!  It relieves nausea, diarrhea, morning sickness and vomiting.  It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and has been known to reduce joint pain.  It is not just good with sushi but can be added to desserts, biscuits and meat dishes.  Check out our Crystallized Ginger, that can be kept on hand for times you are feeling queasy or bloated from overindulgence.

Cinnamon is not just good on pancakes, but it has antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties.  Good for a healthy gut and having antioxidant effects it controls blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol levels in those with type 2 diabetes.  Add a cinnamon stick to a mug of hot chocolate, ground cinnamon to carrot dishes and it is especially delicious with baked apples!

Garlic, where do I begin!  This is one of the most effective powerhouses against viral and bacterial infections.  At the onset of feeling run down and poorly, immediately eat a clove of Garlic to nip it in the bud.  As my Dad says “Garlic is like Stimerol – it stays with you!!”  to counteract this staying power of Garlic, eat a pinch of Fennel seeds and it will quickly take it away.  It has the ability to slow down disease, including hypertension.  It is an incredible flavor enhancer to soups, stews and roast meats.

Known in herb circles as the multivitamin of herbs, Stinging Nettle is packed full of vitamins and minerals.  It has been found to be effective in reducing inflammation associated with arthritis.  For glossy hair, use Stinging Nettle tea as your last rinse.  It will control dandruff and improve overall hair health.  Drink the tea three times a day or eaten as an alternative to spinach, it has been found to be effective in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which involves the enlargement of the prostrate.  Stinging Nettle can be used to make pesto or soup, much like you would use spinach.

Chopped up Chives make a tasty addition to sour cream on baked potatoes.  They are rich in vitamins A and C and a great antioxidant.  This amazing herb has also been shown to reduce the risk for gastric cancer.  Chives are a great addition to salads and pasta, they also taste great in savory scones.

Coriander is known for its use in Indian and Thai dishes.  It is known to aid the lowering of bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.  It can also help lower blood sugar levels too while having anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.  Add Coriander to roast veggies or a nourishing stew.

My earliest memories of Bay Leaves are from my Granny.  She used them when cooking her corned beef stew.  These leaves contain an ingredient called cineole which is known to ease the discomfort caused by sinusitis.  Most recently I heard the advice to keep a few Bay Leaves in a container in the car, as a leaf held under the tongue almost instantly relieves car sickness.  They may play a role in preventing heart disease, treating arthritis and supporting the immune system.  Bay Leaves are great to flavor stews, soups and sauces.  Every year I add them to the pot when cooking my gammon for Christmas.

Last but not at all least, one of my absolute favorite herbs is the Dandelion.  The beautiful yellow flowers look beautiful in salads but also have an affinity for neck and lower back pain.  We have a Neck and Back ointment made from these flowers but if desperate the flower can be rubbed directly on to the area for fast relief, my husband claims it works faster than anti-inflammatories.  The leaves help liver and kidney function, they may also be added to salads but also make a very good herbal tea which aids summertime water retention.  Dandelion root, best harvested in the winter, can be roasted, ground and used as a coffee substitute.  The root is especially beneficial to liver function.  The entire plant can be used for good health and can be found in abundance everywhere, just make sure that where you pick it has not been sprayed with chemicals.

These are just a few choices of the amazing variety of herbs we have available to us.  Not only do they taste good, but they are good for our health too.  Be proactive and regain or maintain good health by adding more herbs to your daily diet and cut out the need for damaging drugs.

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